Dr. Christoph P. Braden, born 1960, is owner of
Dr. Braden Consulting.
Studied applied physics (specialist research area: solid state and semi-conductor physics) and PhD at the Universität zu Köln (Cologne University)
7 years as Head of Laboratory, Zentrale Forschung (Central Research) at Bayer AG
Then Head of Development and General Manager at Sensoric GmbH (medium-sized sensor manufacturer, part of the international ATMI Inc., now Honeywell Gas Detection)
Patents, Publications

GASG, Gas Analysing and Sensing Group
Accredited leading advisor to the Deutsche Materialeffizienz Agentur demea (German Material Efficiency Agency)
GOSPEL, General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level

Dr. Braden Consulting
Manderscheider Platz 14
D - 50937 Köln

Telephone (++49) 0221 - 94 18 412
Telefax (++49) 0221 - 94 18 411
eMail email
VAT-Nr. DE 812 515 183
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